donderdag 8 december 2011

General research program MDRS109

1.    Proposed research projects
1.1.    Soil research: biological, chemical and physical research
-          Soil samples from various sites (penetrometer, soil drilling, GPS location)

Met medewerking van OVAM:
-          Decomposition soil samples:
o    Physical properties (soil drilling, GPS-location, pictures, lab)
o    Chemical properties (lab)
o    Micro-organism (lab)
1.2.    Water analysis
-          Water analysis waterrycling systeem Hab
      o Conductivity measurement
          o Oxygen levels

Met medewerking van De Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij:

-          Rivers and temporary water channels point out on map
-          Water samples on different spots (GPS-location)
o   Determination of ammonium level, nitrites en nitrates
o    Determination of turbidity
1.3.    ‘Greenhouse on Mars’: vegetation project Greenhab
-          Soil:
o    Perlite (light material)
o    potting soil
o    Utah soil
-          Seeds of fast growing vegetables
-          Earth seeds
o    Sand cabbage
o    Bacilicum
o    Lentil
-          Space-exposed seeds

o    Space seeds Nasa (bacilicum)
-          Measurement of growth
-          Stimulation of growth
1.4.    Monitoring metal corrosion
-          Inspection and monitoring Hab
1.5.    Measurement expansion or contraction Hab
-          Monitoring Hab
1.6.    Solar panel test
-          Small solar panel (photovoltaic) for Greenhouse experiment (infrared heating)
1.7.    Aerial photographs Hab area
-          Launch of balloon and camera
Met dank aan: Flow-Tronic:

1.8.    Geology
-          Rocks collection
-          Erosion monitoring
-          Micrometeorites
-          Cliff monitoring
1.9.    Eva camera review
-         Test camera system space suit
-    Test camera system ATV
1.10.  Meteorological measurements
      -   Weather balloons

Met medewerkig van het KMI:

1.11.  Radio communication problems
-          Indicate dead zones against MDRS-hab
-          Relief map and satellite picture
-     Positioning & tracking systems

Met dank aan Traxgo:

1.12.  Education
-          Videos of life and experiments at MDRS
Met dank aan
      1.13. Food study (by Jean B. Hunter, Cornell University):
         -    Cooking day: dieetvoeding
         -    Non cooking day: astronautenvoeding zelfde als in het Internationaal ruimtestation
      1.14. Combining satellite imagery and ground based observations
      1.15. Space medicine / psychology research

       1.16. Study on ergonomic factors of the habitat

       1.17. Robotics

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